Thursday, January 28, 2010

Annual Canned Food Drive Starts

MVMS's annual canned food drive starts on February 1st and goes until February 5th.  We are hoping this is going to be a big success this year!

Everyone gets 1 raffle ticket for bringing in an item. After that it's every 5 items = another raffle ticket

1 = 1 raffle ticket
5-9 = 2 raffle tickets
10-14 = 3 raffle tickets
15-19 = 4 raffle tickets

Prizes will include MV clothing, gift cards to Subway and much, much more.  The "grand" prize will be a one week pass to listen to an ipod during lunch!  There will also be a competition between grade levels.

So bring in your canned goods or boxed/dry goods.  We need your help!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Free Children's Development Screening

Do you have questions about your child's development?  If so, here's an amazing resource right here in Newberg.  Providence Newberg is providing free children's screenings for children ages 0 to 18.  They will check:
* gross motor skills (balance, coordination, walking, crawling, etc.)
* fine motor skills (grasping, handwriting, etc.)
* sensory integration
* speech and language (speech clarity, vocabulary, voice, social communication skills)
* feeding and nutrition

It is by appointment only so call if you have questions or would like to schedule an appointment: 503-537-3546

Providence Newberg Rehabilitation Services
310 Villa Road
Newberg, Oregon 97132

Friday, January 22, 2010

Changes Happening On Edline

As you all know (or hopefully know) edline is a fantastic resource the Newberg School District has to find out how your child is doing in school.  You can check grades, assignments (if they have been turned in or not), test scores, etc.  A new change to edline has recently started.  You can now access homework assignments.  This is a great new resource so your child can stay caught up in school despite being home sick.

If you have any questions about edline or are having trouble accessing your account, please call the main office at 503-554-4500.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New year

Can you believe it?!  The holidays are over.  We even had some snow over the break.  Hopefully everyone had a wonderful Christmas and the 2 weeks off from school was filled with laughter, rest and good family time.

We're seeing a lot of sleepy looking students in class and in the halls.  Some things to help out with the transition back to school...
- get to bed early
- take a shower or a bath before bedtime.  It'll help relax you.
- don't eat too close to bedtime and avoid sweets
- turn off the TV in the bedroom.  Who's going to chose sleep over TV???
- eat a good breakfast

We know it's rough for the first couple of days but it'll get easier. Promise!

Welcome back!!!